Last Day

flowers 102909a

Goodbye flowers from my work "family"

Wow, so I like totally forgot how this whole blogging thing works.  It’s amazing what you lose once you stop doing something consistently!
Today was my last day of work.  I’m 5.5 months along now and it feels like time for some rest and relaxation before my real work begins.  Everyone keeps joking about my “retirement”, but really, my work is only just about to begin!  It was bittersweet saying goodbye today.  Though I’m happy to be moving onto a new phase in my life, and grateful that I get the chance to do it at my own pace without having to worry about going to a job every single day when I’m exhausted and worried about other things, I really am going to miss my good friends at work.  I’ve been with them for a very long time now (years!) and they feel more like friends and family than simply co-workers.  Though we say we’ll stay in touch and still see each other, I know it won’t be the same.  It never really is.  But I have a good feeling we’ll at least give it a try and that’s comforting.
Speaking of friends, one of my very special bloggy friends has recently moved her blog!  My pal formerly at Knit One, Blog Too, has now newly re-opened her bloggy over at Knitting Up North.  Please stop by and welcome her to her new corner of bloggyland!  She never fails to make me laugh and inspire me with her beautiful knitting projects, darling stories about her 2 little girls, and now – lovely forays into the spinning world.  I hope you’ll visit and admire her projects and enjoy her wit as I do :)
Thanks so much to everyone who commented on my big announcement!  I am sorry that I haven’t had the chance to write back each and every one of you as of yet, but I surely will just as soon as things slow down here (which I hope will happen sometime soon….).  September was (and always is) a crazy month for us and I wasn’t home much, not to mention still struggling with morning sickness (ha! it’s not just for mornings!), and trying to work without passing out from exhaustion.  But I’m doing much better now and I hope to be in touch with each of you very soon.  I do so much appreciate all of your kind thoughts and congratulations as well as sticking with me through all the recent gaps in my bloggy history.  I hope to be back up and running at some kind of normal “schedule” soon.  I kinda remember saying I might not be back here again, but I guess I just can’t keep away ;)  Besides, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to need some human interaction very soon.  Being at home all day every day is likely to make me a little stir crazy!
But first, to celebrate all the good things, we are headed to Maui!  Hooray!  I’ll be back soon with pics and until then I hope you are all staying well & healthy!