Happy Thanksgiving!!

Somehow, this Thanksgiving found me comletely unprepared.  No time for a thoughtful post about thankfullness, or even the chance to bake and photograph a pumpkin pie just so, to add that dash of celebration to my post.  But what I lack in cleverness and preparation, I can make up for in heartfelt wishes to all of you for a wonderful and festive holiday.  May you have that extra helping of whatever you love and not feel guilty for a second, may your travels be smooth and steady, without tribulation, and may all the goodness you send out into the world be returned to you multiplied by millions.  Be grateful for what you have, and don’t sweat what you don’t ;)  Have a fantastic holiday Bloggy Peeps!  I’m sending a little thankful thought out into the universe for each of you!  Because of you, I have much to be grateful for….


Happy Thanksgiving! 


Friday Fill-In #99 – Oh Noros! It’s A Day Late!

More Noro.  What is up with me lately?

More Noro. What is up with me lately?


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Friday Fill-In #99
(get yours here)

1. The last band I saw live was probably the band accompanying the Elvis impersonator we saw at R. Darling’s conference this past spring.  I know.  We’re boring.  We never go to concerts.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is spending time with family.  Oh and pumpkin pie with huge dollops of whipped cream ;)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is nearly finished!  Mom & I made jam for gifts yesterday.
4. Thoughts of too many things & too little time fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear red lipstick and get away with it.  I’ve been told by a makeup artist that I have the lips for it, but I just don’t have the moxie you need to work it like you should.
6. Bagpipes remind me of summer at the house I grew up in (we had a neighbor a block or two away who used to play in the evenings sometimes).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight (Friday) I’m looking forward to catching up on Pushing Daisies, tomorrow (Saturday) my plans include having lunch with my MIL & talking about what I need to bring to her house for Thanksgiving and Sunday, I want to work on some knitting projects & hunt for my Christmas cards in the “department store” upstairs so I can start getting them addressed!


Have a fantastic weekend Bloggy Peeps!!


What’s The Word?



  • Blue – Had a little fun at the salon on Friday.  Is this the new anti-aging solution? I expected R. Darling to hate them, but he surprised me by telling me I should have had more put in.  Be very careful what you wish for…..
  • Exercise – Totally doing it.  Totally having absolutely no effect other than to make me extremely exhausted and still muffin-toptastic.  Apparently working out, doesn’t really work at all (at least not yet).
  • Racket – As in, our fridge decided to crap out last week and we had the repair guy here on Friday to fix it.  Fixed one problem, but discovered another that resulted in an ongoing deafening rattling for hours at a time, occurring at least 4 times a day.  What did you say?  Oh.  I couldn’t hear you over the colossal noise coming from my fridge.
  • Warm Woolies – O.k.  So that’s really two words.  But you get the idea.  I’ve found myself a leetle busy with this.  More than I had planned.  But it’s a good thing.  I’ll elaborate later this week hopefully.
  • Knitting – For Warm Woolies obviously, but also secrety things that I just can’t reveal right now.  Too many projects to count and not enough time.  But rest assured, I’m still here and I’m still stitching.
  • Rats – As in, R. Darling saw a huge one underneath our shed on Saturday.  Eeewwwww……  He says it might be time to get an outdoor kitty.  I know he was joking, but one can still hope.
  • ReadingAbundance by Sena Jeter Naslund.  Um.  I’m no expert, but this book is snoozeriffic.  Unless you enjoy maximum description and minimum action.  In theory, this should have been riveting, but in execution it’s absolutely charmless.  I’ve been slugging through it since August and the end is barely in sight.
  • Malabrigo – Thanks a lot Chrispy.  I’m now hooked on this yarnie crack!  And if you haven’t tried the Silky Merino yet, beware.  You might start meeting “contacts” in dark alleys to get your fix.  It’s just that good.  



Azul Azul in all its glory




Happy Monday Bloggy Peeps!


Friday Fill-In #98 – Bond edition



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Fill-In #98
(get yours here)

1. Please feel free to agree with me that Daniel Craig is The.Best.Bond.evah.
2. When I pass a Bath & Body Works at the mall I can’t help sniffing it occasionally.
3. My favorite thing to cook is cupcakes!
4.  Yarn is something I can’t get enough of.
5. Creating something beautiful from string; that’s the thing I love most about knitting.
6. Excessive plastic surgery on already good looking or well endowed people always makes me think to myself, what the heck?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to not having to push my bangs out of my face (getting a haircut this afternoon!), tomorrow my plans include maybe seeing Quantum of Solace and Sunday, I want to relax!


BTW knitty peeps:  The IK Preview is up!  Go check it out.  I love nearly everything this time around, as opposed to the last issue.  Enjoy!  And have a wonderful weekend :)


Back In Training

Even though it’s totally the wrong time of year for this, my malevolently multiplying muffin top has forced me back into the Body For Life shackles once again.  Goodbye treat size chocolates, goodbye sour patch goodness, goodbye iced caramel mochas. Sniff.  I’ll miss you.  But the muffin top has spoken, and it says I can’t afford bigger pants.

Whenever I mention to Miami (my work buddy) that I’ve started working out again, he never fails to say something like: Oh yeah?  Back to training for the cage fighting circuit again?  And I always say, Yep.  Gotta get back to my fighting weight.  I don’t know why, but this somehow makes me feel better about the whole thing.  Like I’m not just sweating it out in my workout room to lose a few pounds, but that I could actually be doing something powerful.  Yay fitness!

Anyhoo, more workouts means less time for other stuff, so I just wanted to let you know that I’m probably going to be more distracted than usual until I get back into a regular routine with my cage fighting program.  That means, less knitting, less bloggy posts, and I’ll just go ahead and apologize right now for being slow with correspondence and visits to your bloggies.  I haven’t been good at that last bit for a while now, but I expect it will be worse before it gets better.  That’s not for lack of love for all of you though!  I swear!  Just wanted to keep you in the loop :)  It’s only been a week and a half so I’m still figuring out how to fit everything into my schedule, but I expect to be able to catch back up after a few weeks of this.  And then I’ll be back again!

So….  The knitty stuff!  I’ve been doing a lot of Warm Woolies work the past couple weeks and haven’t had time for a proper update.  Here’s the quick and dirty report:


Pretty In Pink Oddball Blankie

Pretty In Pink Oddball Blankie


Here’s the second blanket I completed for the Warm Woolies Oddball Baby Blanket group I joined on Ravelry.  Mine is the section of seed stitch on the far right.  I also, the day I mailed it off to the next knitter, received my next blankie (a crocheted one) in the mail to work on.  I am halfway through my section of Crochet Cuteness and just purchased yarn yesterday to finish the last half.  I have also become addicted to knitting the 7×7 inch squares that the Knit a square, Join a swap group (run by the same mods) collects to be made into baby blankets for Warm Woolies.  So far I’ve made 9 and they are the perfect small project to work on here and there while stirring dinner or watching commercials during your fave show, and a fantastic way to use up little acrylic scraps of which I have tons.  Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Squares for Warm Woolies baby blankets

Squares for Warm Woolies baby blankets


I had a fun surprise on Thursday, running into my knitty pal Troy on my way out of the grocery store (hey dude!).  He just happened to have a bagful of acrylic bits and bobs for me for squares in his car and that orange one you see in the far right, is totally from his stash.  Thanks Troy!

In other projects, I am steadily working on Baby Cables and Big Ones Too for the current SKC KAL.  It’s going well & I’m determined to finish this so I can wear it this winter.  I need winter clothes that fit and look nice and don’t itch!!  I finished my Dad’s Dashing mitts and they are blocking on top of the washing machine as I type.  Finally got the perfect yarn for Betty’s prize from my bloggyversary contest, and will be swatching for another secrety squirrel project of Chris’ later on today.  Busy busy busy.

The good news is, we thought my SIL was coming up this weekend to stay with us so we scurried around all week cleaning up, only to discover that she is too sick to come up for her soccer game as planned.  This means, the house is clean and I am free to wallow in my knitstonage all weekend long!  In between cage fighting sessions of course….


Hope your weekend is fantastic bloggy peeps!


Ahoy, Matey!



Wouldn’t it be cool if I could walk around talking like that and no one would think I was weird?  At least not any more weird than usual?  If I could, I think this hat would make me say, “Arrrrrrrrrr….. This hat be super kick arse an’ I love ‘t!  ‘T shivers me timbers ‘t does!”




Pattern: Fake Isle Hat by Amy King (on Ravelry here) with mods provided by knithole on Ravelry.  (More info on mods in my Ravelry project page here)

Yarn: MC: Noro Silk Garden (1 full skein), CC: Cascade 220 color #2403 (0.3 – 0.5 skeins)

Needles: Size 6 wooden Crystal Palace 16″ circs

Mods: Tons!  See above :)

New Techniques: Nope.

Time Lapse:  July 12, 2008 – October 16, 2008

Comments: lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove……  I think you get the idea!  I love the contrast between the sweet pinks and the tough skulls.  And it’s sooooo soft, especially after blocking.  I am going to wear the crap out of this hat!  I’m not very clever, so I can’t take any credit for this creation other than the color choice.  All the props go to knithole (whom I don’t even know) for her stroke of pure genius.  I loved knitting this one as much as the first one I made for R. Darling, though I do think my technique is  a wee bit better this time around and the top is not quite so puckery as his was.  My only mini-gripe is that the skull chart is a couple rows taller than the original chart so my hat is a bit too tall on my head (I have a peanut head).  So now I look like an ancient Egyptian, or else I spend all day pushing it up so I can see.  If you have a peanut head like me, or if you want your hat to sit a little higher off of your forehead, I’d recommend making some adjustments to the ribbing or striping to acommodate for that difference.  Or just be less lazy about checking your gauge than I was.  Otherwise, why mess with perfect?  This hat is so me, it’s sick ;)




Talk t’ ye later bloggy peeps!



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