I Don’t Usually Do This Kind Of Thing…..

“I don’t usually do this kind of thing.”
It’s something someone might say when they sleep with someone on the first date, or do something they’re not supposed to do, but secretly really really want to do, even if it’s bad for them.  At least that’s what I hear.  But me, that’s something I say when I find that I have not only cast on for, but finished in record time (for me), a …… wait for it …… shawl.  Now I’m wondering what that itch is.  Did I catch some malignant desire to actually do it again?  I don’t think there’s a cure for that yet.
See, I get the lure of the shawl when it comes to the act of knitting one.  Pretty yarn, lovely lace, charts up the kazoo for all us masochists, and then it’s all blocked up and gorgeous as can be when you’re finished.  But can I really see myself wearing one?  No.  Not really.  Though I do admit I’d like to have one for reading in bed.  So what’s the point?  I don’t know and I don’t have a ready answer.  All I can say is: I saw, I wanted, I had stash.  Really, I never do this kind of thing.  Just this once.  At least, that’s what I’ll say until next time.


  • Pattern:  Oscilloscope Shawl by Kate Gagnon Osborn from Knitscene, Fall 2010  (Ravelry link here; My Ravelry project link here)
  • Yarn:  Approximately 344 yds (1.72 hanks) of British Mohair, Mohair Silk in “Hale Heaven”
  • Needles:  Size 8 Harmony Interchangeables
  • Mods:  None, though if I were to make it again, I’d want it to be a bit larger


I loved knitting this. The pattern had enough variety to keep things interesting, yet the pattern repeats were easily memorized; the perfect combination for me. I didn’t like the yarn much until it was blocked, it kept shedding little bits of mohair all over the place.  But after blocking it turned out beautifully. The color is really much deeper in person – a rich purpley brown.  Too bad it doesn’t go with any of my stuff. Since I’m not a regular shawl-wearer, I didn’t have any shawl pins for this, but a bamboo dpn works wonders in a pinch.


Begin Again

The hardest part about returning to blogging after a long break is not so much about the desire to blog, but about finding your voice again after so much time has passed.  What do I say?  How do I say it?  Will people listen?  Am I boring?  Is it worth it?  So many questions.

The world outside my window is covered in a downy gown of white, like so many feathers nestling together under the trees.  It looks so pure and peaceful, a perfect reflection of the clean slate I am beginning with as I start to write again and rediscover my own inner thoughts.

This year I am already thinking quite a lot about reducing, reusing (or just using), and really focusing on just what I need and nothing more.  It’s hard.  I’m sentimental and I tend to hang onto things thinking they’re “too special” for everyday use or save things I “know” I’ll use later and then never do.  I put some thought into this towards the beginning of last year, in preparation for Knittymunchkin’s arrival, but then things got kind of crazy with his early debut and adapting to new motherhood etc.  Now that we have settled into a little more of a routine (for now), I’d like to take that idea back out and dust it off and see what I can do about it.

You know that I’ve been talking quite a lot about knitting from stash for a while now.  I have been working steadily on getting everything into Ravelry and also a spreadsheet I made myself to keep track of how much I have and how much I need to use to whittle my stash down by at least half (one of my Day Zero/101 in 1001 goals).  I don’t have absolutely everything in there and the number won’t be static (because I plan to go to Sock Summit this year and will most definitely be purchasing some things!) but it looks a little something like this:

  • Total Yardage: 294,359.40 yds
  • Number of balls/hanks/skeins: 1766.91
  • Number of Sock Yarn hanks/balls/skeins: 152

Whew!  Mama has some work to do!  So in preparation, I set myself up with a Personal Project Club (a little like the Personal Sock Club I did in 2009).  I set up 6 bags with different projects in them;  some new projects, some projects that need to get finished, some small, some bigger.

Yesterday I finished my current WIP (Oscilloscope Shawl from Knitscene, Fall 2010) so I allowed myself to choose my first project from my personal project club.  And I chose: Subway Hat from Modern Top-Down Knitting.  I’m so excited!  There is just something whimsical I love about this little hat :)  The funny thing is, I actually want (for once!) to finish some of my current WIP’s/UFO’s before starting this hat, even though I know it will be quick.  Crazy, huh?  But I’m going to ride that wave until it crests.

Stay tuned for pics of my shawl once I can get it blocked and photographed, which I hope will be soon!  Not my usual kind of thang, but I think I might like it.


Handmade Pay It Forward 2011

Summer Flowers In My Garden

What up Bloggy Peeps?  I hope your New Year is off to a fantastic start so far!  Things are simmering here at Chez Funkytown, but I’m not ready to post anything major yet.  You’ll just have to settle for some fun instead!
My friend Chris posted a little thing on Facebook called “Pay It Forward 2011” (I’m calling it the handmade version).  It goes a little something like this:  I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here.  They in turn must post this and send something they make to the first 5 people to comment on their blog (or facebook status).  The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 recipients sometime in 2011.   So, since I commented on her status and am now obligated to pay it forward to 5 others, I’m giving you the chance to receive something and gift some things in return!  Who couldn’t use a little sunshine this upcoming year?  Oh and just so you know…. if you play along with me, you are about 99.9% certain to receive something hand knit :)  I don’t do much else these days!
Looking forward to paying it forward to some of you wonderful readers!  I hope you’ll join me in the fun!
ETA: As of January 11, 2011 I’m all full up :) Thanks everyone!