Friday Fill-In #74 (On Saturday)

Lovely Columbine

Something pretty from my garden


Yeah, Yeah.  I know it’s actually Saturday, but I was gone all day yesterday and today I got nothin’ so we’re doing the Fill-In today instead.  Hope you are all having a fantastic Saturday so far!


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Fill-In #74
(get yours here)


1. For me closed-mindedness is the opposite of creativity.
2. The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen was the last excellent book I read.
3. I like fill-ins because they are always thought provoking!
4. In nature I like looking at flowers and sunsets.
5. The best candidate should win the US elections (I refuse to talk politics with people – everyone just gets mad).
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was probably not that long ago.  I laugh a lot!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to hanging out with R. Darling (that was last night), tomorrow my plans include laundry and knitting (this is today) and Sunday, I want to spend the whole day doing whatever I dang well please!


First WIP Wednesday Post Evah & Some MySpace Nonsense

Wow. Can you believe that I’ve never ever ever posted a WIP Wednesday post?  Sheesh.  What kind of knitter slash blogger am I anyway?  Oh yeah.  The kind that is still wearing last year’s skinny jeans after everyone has already ditched theirs and moved onto the wide-leg trouser.  What?  These are still cool, right?  Hey, how come you have on wide leg pants?  Ha.  Who’m I kidding?  I can’t even wear those skinny jeans.  So I’m even less cool than the people who own the skinny jeans but still haven’t ditched them.  Anyhoo, back to the WIP stuff.


Firebrick Mitten Number 1

The cuff of my first Firebrick Mitten


This is my latest and most monogamous of current WIP’s.  I’m testing another pattern for Chrispy called Firebrick Mittens.  She’s hoping to have it ready for release sometime in June, so you should check it out in time to make yourself a pair for fall!  I’m nearly finished with the first mitten and since I’m on a deadline (sorry I’m running late Chrispy!) I need to make it snappy with the second mitten.  These mittens are adorable so far and I can’t wait to finish them!  I’m not sure why it’s taking me as long as it is to work them up because the results are gorgeous, but maybe the small gauge is bogging me down a bit.  I also tend to knit at night on weekdays and the black contrasting yarn is tough to work with when there’s burned out lights in your living room light fixture.  No, we’re not that lazy, it’s just a bit of a production to change them so we wait for most of them to burn out first! 


Warm Woolies Items 14-16

Warm Woolies Items #14, #15, & #16


Yep.  Still working on that goal to knit 100 pieces for Warm Woolies this year.  It’s going slowly, but I do what I can.  I hope that I can make a ton of little socks when I’m on various vacations this year and while on the train to Portland in October for one of Rodger’s marathons.  Though I’m discouraged with myself for not being further along on my goal, I do work on these consistently and do the best that I can with the time I have.  It’s still super satisfying to finish a pair in a matter of hours.  You can’t get more instant gratification than that!


My first Jaywalker

Not much of a Jaywalker yet…..


Here’s all I have for my first pair of Jaywalkers.  Not much.  I took it with me to Vegas (you may remember that the Knitterly Things Vesper Sock Yarn took my ipod hostage in return for a trip to Vegas).  I haven’t been working on it very much, but I do take it out every once in a while and look at it.  I’m so loving how those colors are working up together.  And maybe somebody else does too because for some reason they asked to use my photo of my yarn to add to the Jaywalker page on Ravelry.  Is it weird that I get all melty inside when they ask to use one of my photos?  So far it’s only been yarn photos but maybe someday they’ll use one of my FO’s.  That would be kick ass. 


Noro Silk Garden for my very own Fake Isle Hat

 Mmmm….. Noro Silk Garden

Hey.  What’s that?  Do I sense a Fake Isle Hat in the cards for Ms. Knittymuggins?



O.k.  I do believe I promised you some nonsense (besides that crap up above).  Because we have nothing better to do at lunch than find things to laugh about, Miami and I spent a good 20 minutes over at the MySpace Karaoke site laughing our asses off over some of the more “colorful” versions of “Don’t Cha” by the Pussycat Dolls (be careful, you could be singing this the rest of the day like I did).  Unfortunately, I think you have to sign in to listen to the member versions which are freakin’ hee-larious.  Lucky for me, Miami has a MySpace account.  You totally need to check it out if you do too or know someone who does and will log you in. 


Happy Hump Day kids!  Hope your week is awesome so far!



Oh man.  I got so totally knitstoned last weekend.  It was awesome.  And the best part?  No hangover. 

It’s been a while since I was so wrapped up in a project that I could barely put it down long enough to eat or go to the bathroom.  Who needs food or a healthy bladder?  But there was something about this pattern that really got me zoned out on the knitty love.  I have been meaning to make R. Darling a little knitty sumpin-sumpin for nearly as long as I’ve known how to knit (o.k. it’s only been a couple years, but it feels like fo-evah, and seriously, that’s a long time for a dude to wait for his knitty sumpin-sumpin).  In fact I’ve had this yarn and pattern for a good year and a half at least, and I’ve never felt the urge to get it goin’ until this past weekend.  I don’t know what it was, maybe the fact that I have “rearranged” some stuff recently i.e., stuffed things haphazardly into the office that were once in the guest room so my SIL could stay the night a few weeks ago, but every time I turn around in my chair that one lone ball of Noro Kureyon has been staring me down just daring me to bust him out.  Come on.  Let’s do something.  You never take me anywhere, he pouts.  Finally I just couldn’t take the constant wheedling anymore.  O.k. O.k.  But just for a few minutes.  Which turned into a few hours which turned into Must.Not.Stop.Knitting.  Totally knitstoned.  Blame it on that Noro.  He’s a bad influence.  

R. Darling\'s Fake-Isle Hat

R. Darling\'s Fake-Isle Hat - Side view


 Pattern: Fake Isle Hat (on Ravelry here) from Amy King

Yarn: 1 ball Noro Kureyon Color #149, approximately 1/2 skein of Lamb’s Pride Worsted in #M-05 Onyx

Needles: Size 6 Crystal Palace bamboo 16″ circular 

Mods: Zip.Zero.Nada.

New Techniques: Nope.  Although I am still definitely perfecting the 2-color strandwork

Time Lapse:  May 17, 2008 – May 18, 2008

Comments: I love love love this pattern!  It was so gratifying and addicting to watch the pattern and hat grow and I have enough of the Lamb’s Pride left to make one for me too (in girly colors of course!).  Woot!  The best part is knowing that I finally made R. Darling his hat and he seems to love it as much as I do and told me quite plainly when I tried it on, that it was “HIS” hat.  Possesiveness is the purest form of knitting gratitude!  The only damper on my joy about this hat is that I pulled the floats a bit too tight towards the top of the crown and it puckered a little bit (somewhat evident in the second picture up there where it looks like R. Darling has a pointy little noggin).  I know this will get better the more I practice, but it still bugs me a bit.  Otherwise, this is a bona-fide kick-ass FO! 


Fake Isle Crown Close-up



In other oddness, I burned my right browbone with my curling iron on Tuesday (yes, I’m an uncoordinated dumbass who hasn’t had bangs, or curled them, since pretty much ever and I can’t be trusted with something that hot that close to my face – it was only a matter of time).  So I’ve been walking around work with this huge burning blister on my face and not one of the guys has done more than glance at it sideways.  I was dying for one of them to say something because for once I had a good comeback.  I was going to say: “Dude you know the first rule.  You do not talk about Fight Club.”


A Contest Winner & Friday Fill-In #73

I was telling Jenny about our poopies recently and she said she wanted to see some pictures, so here they are!


Nelson - Our 8 year old Jack Russell

Nelson: our 8 year old Jack Russell Terrier (Terror)
White Dog, Mister, Trouble, Naughty Mister, Pooch Pooch, You little Bastard


Britt - Our 12 year old Chocolate Lab

Britt: our 12 year old Chocolate Lab
Brown Dog, Britty Girl, Britty, Britty Bear, Stinkweed


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Fill-In #73
(get yours here)

1. On my laziest day I like to sleep in and take a nap!
2. Organizing things makes me feel like I’m being productive.
3. I love little miracles and big dreams.
4. This summer I want to buy some dresses and wear them.
5. Learning to knit and wanting to share my projects with someone, anyone, who knew what I was talking about made me start my blog.
6. Red is love & roses and orange is comfort & warmth.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to watching Apocalypto with the subtitles turned on this time (don’t ask), tomorrow my plans include knitting a little and Sunday, I want to knit some more with maybe a smidge of reading thrown in!


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Alright alright.  I know you all want to know who won the contest.  Using a very basic random number generator (the R. Darling Automaton 3000 is currently in sleep mode and needs some time to reboot), I plugged in the numbers and out popped the number 4.  So, the winner of my 200th post contest and the recipient of the Farmhouse yarn, is:

Jennsquared from Cafe Eclectic!

Hooray for Jenn!  I think I have your address already Jenn, but I’ll confirm that with you via e-mail.  Thanks for playing along everyone, I really enjoyed hearing how you all found me and what draws you to my blog!

Have a fantastic holiday weekend bloggy peeps!



I dream a lot. And I remember them often, whether good, bad, intuitive or just plain weird. When I’m stressed I get these crazy dreams where I’m gnashing my teeth together uncontrollably and soon they start to fall out and my gums turn to mush, but I’m still gnashing, and grinding, and panicking that I can’t stop. I usually wake up to R. Darling telling me that I’ve been grinding my teeth in my sleep.

But this morning I had a dream dripping with a recurring and fearful theme, one much worse than losing my teeth.  This insidious mind cinema played itself out through my drifting mind with unmerciful glee.  I couldn’t have stopped it if I tried.  And when I woke, loneliness engulfed me.  This dream, it grabbed me by the throat and poisoned me with its sadness, its fear, its agony.  I know it wasn’t real and I know it’s ridiculous to let it get to me but I just can’t seem to shake it today.  I feel completely unsettled.

So there’s been knitting, and ::gasp:: even an FO, but I’m waiting for the dream wraith to loosen its iron grasp so I can summon the proper amount of enthusiasm to do my knits justice.  Until then, I’m leaving you with a couple Seattle photos from yesterday’s trip.  We took my Dad down to the VA hospital for a procedure and while he was being worked on, we went down to the waterfront, enjoyed the sunshine and went for a stroll.  Then lunch at Anthony’s Grill on Pier 66, a little knitting in the waiting room and back home to fall exhausted into bed.  I know.  Life’s rough ;)


Revolving ampersand at a Seattle waterfront park - May 19, 2008

Revolving ampersand sculpture at a Seattle waterfront park


Seattle city skyline from Pier 66 - May 19, 2008

The Seattle city skyline from Pier 66


Friday Fill-In #72

Cherry blossoms in Chilliwack, B.C. - May 4, 2008

One of my favorite things about spring!


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Fill-In #72
(get yours here)

1. There is absolutely NO way you can get me to go skydiving!  Ever.
2. Smelling all the barbecues on our evening runs/bike rides reminds me that summer is almost here!
3. I cannot live without my knitting.  I could try, but it wouldn’t be pretty.
4. Snowshoeing and cake decorating are two things I’d like to try.
5. When life hands you lemons add some salt and tequila!
6.  Sleeping in a tent in the backyard all summer long is one of my favorite childhood memories.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to knitting a little and maybe watching a movie, tomorrow my plans include working on my test knit for Chrispy some more and Sunday, I want to do it all over again!


Happy Friday everyone!!


200th Post, A Contest & A Meme!

Farmhouse Silk Blend

You might just find me in your mailbox someday!


Wow!  Today is my 200th post!  I cannot even believe it.  Lots of you have probably far surpassed this milestone by now, but it’s still amazing to me that I’ve kept with the whole bloggy thing long enough to make it to 200 posts!  As a special thank you to all of you supa-fantastic bloggy peeps out there, since I would never have reached 200 posts in the first place if it wasn’t for all of you, I’m going to have a little contest.  Woot!  I think I like having contests because I never seem to win anything whenever I enter someone else’s.  So if I can’t win any stuff, then at least I can give some of it away ;) 

The lowdown:

  1. Please leave a comment by midnight May 22, 2008 telling me how you found my bloggy in the first place and which posts you enjoy most (you don’t have to be specific about that last bit, just let me know if you like the knitting ones best, the travel ones, the ones where I speculate about the nature of my nuttiness, whatever….).
  2. The prize:  One skein of the yarn pictured above which is Farmhouse Silk Blend in a reddish-pink color.  This yarn is dk weight, 34% silk/33% cotton/33% Lamb’s wool and the skein contains 350 yards.  I thought it would make a great scarf (maybe this one?) or perhaps you have an even better project in mind!  Either way, I’ll be looking forward to sharing the yarn with you and seeing what you make out of it.  And there’s a chance a few other secret goodies might find their way inside the envelope too.
  3. On or about May 23, 2008 I will pick one random winner from all the entries and notify them via e-mail and here on the bloggy so everyone else can congratulate them too ;)  And then, ::yippee!::, your package will go out in the mail and you’ll have a new addition to your yarn family!


And now for our meme-tastic portion of the 200th post celebration! 


Lady Watkins who I know from the Christmas Swap Kasia and I hostessed last year, as well as the SKC, has tagged me for a book-ish sort of meme.  Nothing that requires me to think too hard or bore you with more sordid details of my 10-fries-short-of-a-Happy-Meal kind o’ habits.  I can dig it.


These are the rules:

  1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the 5th sentence.
  4. Post the next 3 sentences.
  5. Tag 5 people.


The book:  “Guns, Germs and Steel” by Jared Diamond.  Haven’t read this one yet.  Let’s see….. page 123…..5th sentence, check. 

“If the conditions change, different types of individuals may now survive or reproduce better and become “naturally selected”, with the result that the population undergoes evolutionary change.  A classic example is the development of industrial melanism in British moths: darker moth individuals became relatively commoner than paler individuals as the environment became dirtier during the 19th century, because dark moths resting on a dark, dirty tree were more likely than contrasting pale moths to escape the attention of predators.  Much as the Industrial Revolution changed the environment for moths, farming changed the environment for plants.”


Wow, it sounds so much better when you read “moths” instead of “monks” (which I did the first time around).  That would have been a pretty creepy interpretation.  Anyway, I’m going to fight the power and not tag 5 people.  Play or not, whatever feels good. 


When A Candy Bar Is Truly Guilt-Free

Map of the San Juans
Map of the San Juans (courtesy of this site)


Whew!  What a weekend!  R. Darling took me on my very first overnight kayaking/camping trip and it was both physically and emotionally trying and yet somehow entirely amazing, all at once.


Heading home

Heading home on Saturday with a smile this time….


Friday afternoon found us with a fully loaded truck arriving in Anacortes around 4PM for what was supposed to be a 4PM launch from the Guemes Island ferry dock (if you’ve ever kayaked or camped, you know that it takes a long ass time to load your gear so we were already incredibly late).  Once there, we discovered that there was no overnight parking, so the plan was amended and we were forced to launch from Washington Park instead. 

Leaving so late and having so much farther to go before our first crossing left us in bad shape with the currents, so despite my optimism for a lovely evening of paddling, things turned out much differently for me.  Usually I think of myself as someone who is strong for their size, and I very rarely think of myself as a small or weak person.  But after battling the currents that pounded us after our first crossing, and again towards the end of our second crossing, I couldn’t help but feel tiny and helpless in the face of all that rushing water.  R. Darling will tell you I’m a trooper and I did well, but he didn’t see me avert my face as I tried not to burst into tears of frustration as I paddled and paddled, my heart pounding, and my kayak standing still as I battled to move it forwards against the water that inexorably pushed me backward.  Yet, I made it.  And once ashore, with the campsites staked out and gear being unloaded, I sat and ate that once-in-a-lifetime guilt-free candy bar and didn’t regret a single second of it.  I’d earned that hunk of sugar.  Who cared if it went to my thighs?  Because these arms and this back had carried me to safety.  They deserved a reward.


Campsite on the bluff - Cypress Head

We camped just to the left of our kayaking partners’ tent on this bluff


You would expect the Cypress Head campsites (we stayed just off Cypress Island on what’s called a tombolo) to be nearly empty this early in the year, but blame it on the one nice day we’ve had in weeks, or just plain old spring fever.  Whatever the case, most of the campsites were taken by the time we got there.  As we settled in for a pasta dinner cooked over tiny campstoves, and a cup of warm cider, the springtime darkness moved in and we eventually headed to our cozy sleeping bags.  Not long after, we were roused from an almost sleep by a rather drunken and poorly sung rendition of Credence’s “Bad Moon Rising” played at full blast on a guitar and a rather tooty sounding accordion.  Hoping the interruption would end soon, we rolled over and tried to sleep again, only to be woken momentarily by another Credence song assaulting our ears.  Who goes to the wilderness to make noise?  I just don’t get it.  If it’s noise you want, stay on your sailboat please.  Finally, around midnight, R. Darling had had enough and he went over to politely ask them to keep it down.  At which point he was told to stick his flashlight in a rather small, dark, uncomfortable place that would make it pretty difficult to sit down.  You don’t tell R. Darling something like that and expect him to play nice.  The gloves were off.  Luckily some of the other drunkards stepped in and nothing came to blows.  Blissful silence.

The next morning we woke up early and though we were tempted to walk down to the other camp and bang some pots and pans Tanisha from Bad Girls Club style (no, we don’t watch the show, but we do watch The Soup!) we decided to check out the other parts of the tombolo instead and take some photos.


Breakfast making man

Do I smell hot chocolate?


Beautiful island flower

A mysterious and beautiful island flower


R. Darling just leaving camp

R. Darling just leaving the beach at Cypress Head


The paddle back was much more enjoyable this time and we managed to hitch a bit of a ride on the current, making our crossings easier and quicker.  We took a short break while waiting for the ferries to load and unload and then made our way back to Washington Park.  Though I had a rough time on the way out and I’m in no way close to paddling shape, I enjoyed camping with R. Darling and seeing a place that can only be experienced from the water.  We got to see some creatures (porpoises and eagles) and spent some quality time together.  All in all, a great trip and I’d do it again as long as I don’t have to work quite so hard for that candy bar next time ;)


Waiting for the ferry

Waiting for the ferries


R & M 05-10-08

A couple that kayaks together, stays together!



Side view of Alisa

Another side view

Alisa front view

Alisa back

Alisa front detail

Alisa side detail

Pattern: Alisa (on Ravelry here) from Chris Church at Pursuit of Fiber (can be purchased on Ravelry and on her website)

Yarn: Knit Picks’ CotLin; close to 5 balls (6 balls recommended) in color #699 Moroccan Red (thoughtfully provided by Chris in return for test knitting the pattern for her)

Needles: Size 6 Addi Turbos (Lace)

Mods: Zip.Zero.Nada.

New Techniques: Short rows!

Comments: I love love love this pattern! At first I didn’t know what to expect, having not seen a photo of the finished garment. But when I finished it up and put it on and it fit like a dream, then I fell in love. The pattern is well written and easy to follow and the stockinette section is nicely broken up by the lace panels on the sides. I really like the lace detailing – it comes across as clean and eye-catching, yet not overly frilly or fussy. My straps came out slightly different than Chris’, perhaps because I’d never done short rows before, but I like the way they look (even if I messed up somewhere!). I think this is the perfect summer tank and I’m really looking forward to wearing it often. Thank you Chris for letting me test knit this for you! It was so fun to help you get your first pattern launched and I wish you tons of success with your future patterns!

An Alisa outtake!

An Alisa outtake!

Because I can never resist hamming it up when the camera’s pointed at me ;)


Stuff That’s Cool

Italian postcard from Ravelry friend Troy

Finding a postcard on my computer at work today that my friend Troy (introduced here) sent me from Italy…..


Brown Blue-Faced Leicester Roving from Hello Yarn

 Presents!  Even when you buy them yourself……….


Fragrant freesia plant

When your husband buys you flowers on Sunday “just because”…..


Mossy Rockfoil

Pretty pink flowers blooming in the late afternoon sun……


New tomato plants

Happy tomato plants growing in the garden….



Elvis in a pink sportcoat – cool!!


Warm Woolies Item #12

Warm Woolies Item #12 completed!


Warm Woolies Item #13

Warm Woolies Item #13 completed!


Hope your day was full of the cool too!


Friday Fill-In #70 & A Contest Entry

My new bee cosmetic case!

Ooooo, lookee what I bought myself today!

Lately, I am all about the bees. Speaking of bees, “The Mighty B” is my all-time favorite new cartoon. I think Amy Poehler could make a rock pee its pants (if it was wearing pants)…..


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Friday Fill-In #70
(get yours here)

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are tequila and lime!
2. Human behavior (both good and bad) often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is still going to try to lick your face.
4. Espresso, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, milk & ice, mix it all together and voila! You have a great afternoon (or morning, or evening…) pick-me-up!.
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow veggies and fields and fields of dahlias.
6. Late afternoon napping is best au naturel.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to knitting, tomorrow my plans include driving to Canadia to meet up with R. Darling at a work function and Sunday, I want to come home and relax!





A happy day at Red Rock Canyon - April 17, 2008

 This is what makes me happy!


O.k.  I know I already posted this picture earlier, but this time it’s for Chrispy’s birthday contest (you get extra points for pics!).  We’re supposed to post about what makes us happy. 

There’s so many things that make me happy: little things, big things, some that are cheap, some that aren’t.  But the one true thing that never fails to make me smile, is my husband.  He is truly my best friend and the one thing I could not possibly live without.  Ever.  This picture makes me think of all the wonderful things that we’ve experienced together over the last 7 years (3.5 of those married) and just how much I enjoy being with him.  It doesn’t matter if we’re somewhere exotic and exciting, or on the couch in our living room.  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be and nothing that makes me smile like he does.




So get yourself on over to Chrispy’s blog (Pursuit of Fiber) and enter her contest! 

Have a fantastic weekend Bloggy Peeps!

Knit ya later ;)