Sock It To Me Swap Contest #2 – “My Favorite Yarn”

So here’s the challenge: Post about your favorite yarn. You must post a picture and let us know why it’s your favorite yarn. Please leave links too, in case someone might want to get a little of what you got!

Hmmm. This is going to be tough for me and boring for all of you because, until just recently, I was a small project, bargain basement yarn, kind of girl. Not so much by choice, but that pesky little thing called finances was kind of cramping my style. Do I want to eat, or do I want yarn? Well, you all know what the answer would be if I was single! R. Darling though, I guess he’d be a little peeved if he had to give up those steaks while I hid in the corner petting my newest skein of something lovely and muttering to myself. I still look for the bargains now that I can count a couple socks and two sweaters (almost) amongst my FO’s, but I also allow myself something nice now and then. And if it’s on sale, well then I allow myself lots of nice somethings for my stash. Sadly, yarn diet is currently being enforced so I will have to make due for a while with the stuff I’ve got.

Anyhoo, on to my favorite yarns. Well, since this is a sock swap, I guess I’d better start with sock yarns. Having only used 2 brands so far for a grand total of 2.5 socks, I am definitely not an expert, and smart enough to know that the opinion I’m about to express will be good for, oh, about as long as it would take me to start a frictional fire from whipping out my visa next time I’m “allowed” to buy more yarn. So far, I’ve knit with Hill Country Yarns’ Sweet Feet Sock Yarn, and Blue Moon Fiber Arts’ Socks That Rock. Let me tell you, that STR stuff is dee-vine! I don’t know that I want to try anything else! Soft, smooth, a dream to knit, and in gorgeous colors; I’m content just to look at it, never mind knit with it. So, STR is the winner! I would love to try the Smooshy that I’ve been hearing so much about though.

STR Heavyweight in Tanzanite for my SITM Swap Sock Pal #1

As far as other yarns, my current favorite is Rowan Calmer. I’m using it to knit French Girl’s Fifi for the SKC KAL and this stuff is fantastic! Great stitch definition, fab to knit with and soft as clouds, I can’t wait to wear my Fifi when I’m done! And the best part? It’s got just enough stretch to achieve maximum curve huggage. Because it’s all about the curve huggage! The only drawback is that it’s ungodly expensive. Well, that may be overstating it depending on your finances, but for me it’s rather pricey. I did manage to find a discontinued color for cheap though, so that helped. Anyway, give it a try if you can. I think any knitter’d love it!

My Fifi as of today in Rowan Calmer – Color Chiffon
Please ignore the dpn’s and creepy looking yarn holding sleeve stitches
(Don’t worry, it’s not some Rapunzelesque armpit hair – I do shave!)


To The Coast

Last weekend around this time, we were sitting having coffee in Port Townsend on our way back from our motorcycle trip to the coast.  I’m pretty sure I’d just bought some yarn too.  You gotta love a man who enables your yarn addiction even though the bags on your bike are already stuffed full of camping gear, clothes and photo equipment.  “We’ll find room”, he always says.  Have I mentioned before how much I love my man? 

sequimgoats081807First stop, Sequim, WA.  I guess there’s liability issues of some kind if you ride your motorcycle through the game park amidst the stampeding herds of wild buffalo and yaks, so we had to settle for the free kiddie petting zoo.  Think they’d notice if I tucked one of those little pygmy goats under my rain gear (yes, we got rained on and I have about 6 layers of clothes on in that photo) and took him home?  I’m sure the poochies would love him!  Nelson might decide to “mark his territory” though……

Our first night was spent in Port Angeles.  Not a very happenin’ place (sorry to those folks who might be particularly fond of it).  We woke up to pouring rain which was kind of a drag, but set off for the coast anyway.  After miles and miles of a whole lot of trees and not much more, we found our way to Cape Flattery which also happens to be the most Northwestern point in the continental U.S.  Kind of a cool, you’ll-never-really-need-to-know-this, factoid.  After a bumpy shuttle ride to the top (they’re doing construction on the road so you’re not allowed to drive up there yourself right now) and a 3/4 mile hike, we were rewarded with a gorgeous view.  



capeflatterypuffinAnd, wonder of wonders, we saw a puffin too!  I think that was the highlight of my day out at Cape Flattery.

After Cape Flattery, we drove to Kalaloch and set up camp there.  There’s nothing like hauling your campfire wood to your campsite on the back of your Harley.  I’m sure the other campers were entertained by our mysterious and sinister “biker” antics.

With just a few more hours of light left in the day and our camp all set up, we walked down to the beach for a little bit of knitting (me) and reading (R. Darling).  There’s nothing quite like the roar of pounding surf to ease a hectic mind.  kalaloch081907a

Though our trip was short, and not as relaxing as we’d hoped (too much travel, not enough rest), it’s still nice to get away and change your scenery once in a while.


And don’t forget kids:


Attack Of The Killer Beach Logs! 
Coming soon to a theater near you…….


Something Exciting


Yee Hoo!  Woo Hoo!!  If excitement was a big, round, red balloon, I would have popped by now.  It’s just that exciting.  Let me explain.  Some of you may know that the ever-talented Ms. Stefanie Japel (of Glampyre Knits & Fitted Knits fame) runs her patterns through a Test Lab before she publishes the pattern for purchase.  A while back, I signed up for the Test Lab and basically resigned myself to not really being able to get a chance to try one of her patterns.  Well, Holy Surprise Batman!  I get to test her newest pattern!  I can’t really talk about it, top secret test lab stuff you know, but you can see a pic of the new design on her blog.  I’m knitting it with some Berocco Nostalgia from my stash (that’s the milk chocolatey stuff next to this morning’s iced caramel mocha) that I couldn’t figure out what else to do with, plus the gauge is perfect, and I’m hoping it does her pattern justice.  I’ve got 2-3 weeks to get it knocked out, so wish me luck!  Thanks for giving me a shot Stefanie!  It’s a truly amazing opportunity and I’m totally honored!


Photo & Fill-In Friday August 17, 2007


Whooping it up in front of the Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis, SD – August 2002

Road Trip!!  R. Darling and I are planning on getting out of Dodge over the weekend for a few days on the Harley.  So, in honor of our upcoming trip, I thought I’d share a photo of us from back in the “early” days on our second motorcycle trip together to Bike Week in Sturgis, SD.  This was taken on our very first night in Sturgis; before the Mardi Gras beads, before Joan Jett, and with the next day’s hangover just a distant lemon-flavored sloshing in my tummy.  Ah, Bike Week.  Alcohol, Leather, Beards, Boobs, Freaks in chaps, and Harleys.  You gotta love it.



1. There’s motorcycles and then there’s Harleys!
2. Subscribe to National Geographic because it broadens your horizons.
3. I love a good book because I can lose myself in someone else’s world.
4. My favourite position is dependent on my mood.
5. I need to quit bad-mouthing myself (are you happy now, Mister? :)
6. I need to start exercising more.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to snuggling with my man, tomorrow my plans include riding off into the sunrise with R. Darling and Sunday, I want to be walking on the beach!


Campanula KAL Contest #1

Please post a link to the Campanula for the Cure KAL on your blog and tell us what yarn(s) you are using (or dreaming of) to make your Campanula socks.

Well, I’ve done part of this contest entry so far.  There’s a link in my sidebar to the knitalong site, and I also mentioned it briefly earlier this week.  But I haven’t mentioned yet what yarn I’m thinking about using for the pattern.  I had really wanted to try the Koigu that the pattern was written for, but just had some trouble finding it as well as colors I might like to knit it in.  So, having bought some Socks That Rock recently, and now being semi-addicted to the stuff, I bought some STR mediumweight in the colorway Coral.  Here’s what it looks like……..


I just received it in the mail yesterday along with the heavyweight that I am using for my second SITM swap partners socks (will post about that later).  I’m a little disappointed in the colorway actually.  It looks more pink on their site, than peachy, but in real life it’s definitely more peachy-orangey, than pink.  I’m still going to use it though.  Maybe I’ll like it better as it works up in the pattern. 

So if you get a chance, please check out the KAL and consider joining or just donating.  It’s for a great cause and I’m wishing Ramona lots of luck with her goal!!


Photo & Fill-in Friday – August 10, 2007

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs!! Surrender your booty!!

Not just pirate speak, but also R. Darling’s favorite pickup line!  This is the Lady Washington which you may recognize as the HMS Interceptor from Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl.  She was here on July 28 along with another tall ship, The Hawaiian Chieftain.  We missed the tours, but were able to watch them sail in while eating our lunch a couple weekends ago.  Living by the water rocks the pirate’s pegleg!  It was a beautiful way to enjoy the summer weather.

And here’s another fun thing I discovered recently: 


Click on the button to check it out!
Here’s my answers for today’s Fill-In: #32

1. My commute is awesometastic. I only live about 5 minutes from work.
2. Quiet best describes my neighborhood.
3. My neighbors are nice but live too close for my taste.
4. On Rice is my favorite place to eat that’s close to home.
5. If there’s one thing I’d change about my community, it would be less developement!  I hate how much it’s growing here.
6. The thing I miss most about the town (city/area/swamp) I grew up in is not much since I live where I grew up!  But I do miss how small and friendly it was back before all the traffic and retirees started moving in.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to hanging out with R. Darling, tomorrow my plans include Knitting! and Sunday, I want to Knit some more!

Have fun & be good!
Happy Weekend Bloggy Peeps!!


Knittymuggins’ Newest Knitty News

Ummm.  Wow.  I think I have a little too much on my plate these days.  A better knitter than me would not cringe in the face of too many projects with too little time.  A better knitter than me would embrace the rush of 12 WIP’s at once and deadlines all big and looming.  Me, I’m plodding along, trying to resist the lure of each pattern, KAL, or project crossing my path, and not doing a very good job of it.  So here’s the damage as of today.  I’m hoping that seeing it all in one place will freeze my finger in that millisecond it hovers over the “enter” button the next time I even think about purchasing another pattern, more yarn, or joining another KAL.


This is Fifi.  I’m guessing she’s about 70% along now.  I’m being fairly monogamous on this one, trying to just get something finished and off the needles.  I’m knitting this one for the current SKC knitalong.  After some reading and re-reading of the pattern, which has been kind of fussy, I just dove in and improvised and it looks alright so far.  We’ll see…..

On Friday I stopped by a new LYS that just opened about 5 minutes from my house.  Holy crap.  That’s all I can say.  H-o-leeeee crap.  Because that’s just what I needed – temptation of the highest sort only 5 minutes away!  And it’s the most darling little place, and they’re so nice, and, deep breath here…… it’s right next to the Starbuck’s.  I’m in big trouble people.  Big trouble.  This is what I picked up…….



This super cute felted flower bracelet kit in the Oceanic colorway.  Who could resist this?


I’ve also been looking for something to make for my closest college girlfriend who is expecting her 3rd baby in September.  I made each of her kids a very special blankie and for some reason I keep putting this one off so I knew I had to find something fast.  This pink heart blanket is so cute I knew I had to make it for her the second I saw it.  Just need the yarn now…..


They had a big basketful of these too and it was the most darling idea so I had to take one.  Basically, you buy the kit for $3.50, knit the little hat which they will use in a display (the name of the shop is Apple Yarns!) and then send off to charity.  Plus, when you turn in your knit hat, you get a gift certificate for $3.50 to use in the store.  What a great idea!  And I’m a sucker for charity stuff anyway :)  Besides this, I bought something for a gift for someone, but she reads my blog so I can’t share – sorry!


This lovely stuff is Socks That Rock sock yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts.  It’s going to be knit into some nice comfy socks for my Sock It To Me Sock Swap pal.  I hope she likes them!  I also found out today that I am going to be an “angel” for another person at the swap who was unfortunate enough to have a flaky partner.  So, must find another pattern to knit up. 

There’s always this though……..

I joined another KAL called Campanula for the Cure (yes I do realize that I’m “insane, got no brain. ….insane in the membrane…..”).  It sounded like such a worthy cause and the socks she designed were just so gorgeous.  Check it out if you have a second.  The link is in my sidebar.

So that’s the crazy update from here.  Wish me needles of fire, because I’m going to need them!



My ever-talented, fabulously clever, and sweet-as-can-be, e-friend Kasia has nominated me for this amazing award!   


I don’t know what to say!  I really don’t feel deserving in the least, other than I am a girl, I do blog, and I do rock (in the sense that listening to Def Leppard or Motley Crue always makes me bust out the rock hands and thrash my head just a little).  I am extremely honored though, that she thought me worthy of this award, and so overwhelmed to have it bestowed on me.  Thank you so much Kasia!!  You’re the best :)

So, having received this award, it’s now my job to pass it on to some other Rockin’ Girl Bloggers whose blogs I enjoy reading.  Since Kasia and I read a lot of the same blogs (including Robin’s), I only have a couple new nominations to make:

Jeanie of SKC fame:
for being so amazingly thoughtful, kind and generous, as well as a kick ass knitter and crocheter…….
Wendee of Knittlesticks:
 for her fantastic sense of humor, encouragement and being a fellow Pacific Northwesterner………

Thanks so much ladies – you rock!!

There are so many of you fabulous girl bloggers out there that I couldn’t even begin to name you all, so if I missed you and you’re reading – consider yourself nominated and thanks for stopping by!