Interested in Pinterestin’

I’ve been thinking about a few little home projects to do this year and while cruising the intrawebz I’ve noticed that I’ve been encountering lots of cool visual stuff on Pinterest and lots of talk about the site.  Usually I am a couple years behind the cool kids when it comes to tech stuff online like this.  It’s no different with Pinterest, since I’ve been hearing about it for a couple years now.  I don’t need a reason to up my online time (I’ve heard of those crazy Pinterest addictions that require full blown Pinterventions!), because I’m doing fine with less, but I have to admit a high level of curiosity.  I asked you all about Twitter and Facebook a few years back and I have to say…..meh. Nothing personal if you love these, they just aren’t for me.  I deleted my Twitter account after a month or so and rarely go to Facebook anymore.  But those of you who do the Pinterest thing – what do you think?  I’d love to hear the pros and cons if you want to share.  It seems like such a great source of inspiration for crafty peeps.
One of my goals for 2013 is to create a gift stash for myself that I can draw from if I want to give a hand knit to someone.  Maybe some of these will be actual gifts for occasions, maybe a lot of them will end up with charity groups, but either way I get to use up my stash and have the fun of knitting something that I know (hope) will get used and loved by someone.  My first finished project for 2013 is, incidentally, also my first hand knit for my gift stash.  Here it is!

Ciara's Cowl

Ciara’s Cowl


  • Pattern: Ciara’s Cowl by Ailsa Daly (Ravelry link)
  • Yarn: Trendsetter Yarns Tonalita in “Starry Night”
  • Needles: Size 4 circulars, Magic Loop
  • Comments:  This project may look lovely, but it was a miserable knit.  Originally intended as a Christmas gift for 2012, I had to put it aside in favor of something quicker because it was such a struggle to get through it.  The problem was not the pattern (which I do really like) but the yarn.  I’ve decided that I just don’t enjoy single ply yarns (at least the ones I’ve tried so far).  With all the p2togs in the pattern, I really had to keep close attention on my knitting so as not to split the yarn.  And any time I had to frog something it was a total bitch because the yarn was just so dang hairy.  Ugh.  This looks very unisex to me, as evidenced by R. Darling glancing over at my knitting now and then and commenting on how he liked the colors and the pattern.  Finding a guy who will wear a cowl is another matter entirely though.  This is now tucked away in my gift tub awaiting a good blocking, a “handmade with love” tag, and a special recipient.  It feels good to be prepared!

I’ve noticed a lot of little details out of date in the sidebars over there.  You know, that place you probably never look anyway, but which still bothers me by being inaccurate.  So there will be a few changes coming up over there in the next few weeks.  Look, or don’t look, whatever you like.  But I’ll feel better, in all my OCDness, knowing that everything is as it should be.

4 thoughts on “Interested in Pinterestin’

  1. I’m a big fan of Pinterest. Not necessarily for knitting though. I love looking for recipes, kid activites and crafts to do at home, gift ideas, etc. I even found ideas for the kids Halloween costumes there. Pinterest seems like just one more step for knitted items when Ravelry has all the functionality I would need and more. That being said, look me up when you go to Pinterest, we can follow each other’s boards.

  2. Pinterest is a tough call for me…..I enjoy it but I don’t go to it as much as I do other sites… will be fun to see what you discover!

  3. I signed up on pinterest probably a year ago, but I’ve visited the site probably twice and maybe pinned 3 or four things. I think I get ideas and inspiration more from just going about through shops and looking at window displays than from images on the web. Or, maybe I just don’t do a lot of the crafty activities that other people do. Also, a lot of the pins involve things that you can buy, and I’m at the divestiture stage of my life where I get rid of many more things than I acquire.

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