Playing With Yarn

That’s what I’ve been doing for over a week now.  For some reason I’m finding it really soothing to start putting some order back into the chaos my life has become over the past few months.  And what better way to start it off than with something I already love messing around with anyway?  So I’m taking photographs, I’m buying rubbermaid tubs and giving them crazy names like “For Those About To Sock”, “Worsted Wonderland” and “A Fine Mess”, to help me remember what’s what.  I’m busting out the label maker and putting every crazy detail into Ravelry.  It’s like drinking without the hangover.  I can touch all my gorgeous yarns and overindulge in every way, yet refrain from starting something new and getting myself in too deep with WIP’s (something you already know I have a problem with).  Plus, everything is contained, instead of spilling out of bags and boxes in the office.  Sometimes, it’s just good to be OCD.

I know I said I’m refraining from starting new projects, but the good thing is, this leaves me motivation to finish old ones.  And I’m trying.  Really I am.  But Cherry Fizz keeps whispering to me in the dark, tempting my willpower.  So far I’m resisting the siren call.  But who knows how long I can hold out.  I mean, I have the yarn and pattern already.  But I did say something about finishing, didn’t I?  At last, an FO to show you!   Behold!  Spirogyra!


(I’m trying a new thing where the images can be clicked on for a larger version.  It looks kinda small to me in this size, but we’ll see how it goes….)


Pattern: Spirogyra by Lynn Vogel (on Ravelry here)

Yarn: 1 ball + a few yards from a second ball, of Frog Tree Alpaca Sportweight (stash baby!)

Needles: Size 3 Addi Turbo circs & Size 2 Knit Picks Harmony 40″ fixed circs for Magic Loop

Mods: None except to use Magic Loop instead of dpn’s

New Techniques: Nope.

Time Lapse: February 7, 2009 – March 21, 2009

Comments: These were made for a Random Act Of Kindness gifty that I promised to Andrea (Agaknit on Ravelry) in February.  With all the crap I’ve been through over the past few months, they kinda languished a bit but I finally got them out to her a couple weeks ago.  I thought the lace pattern was perhaps a little lost in the fuzz of the alpaca, but both Andrea and rchrispy mentioned they liked the fuzz factor.  So that made me happy!  This yarn is definitely super soft and the cherry red is such a pretty color.  I like the pattern very much and may one of these days, make a pair for myself.
Now.  Back to the stash!

9 thoughts on “Playing With Yarn

  1. Those are lovely! I bet they are super comfy too, what with the extra warm fuzzies conferred by the fact they’re a RAOK… A perfect cheer-me-up little something for frisky days!

  2. Love that bright color and the pattern is very cute. I’ve been playing with my stash too. I haven’t finished any wip’s yet though. I’ll think of you next time I start petting my yarn.

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