Stressed Is Just Desserts Spelled Backwards


Well, it’s been another week in laboratory hell.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love my job.  But I don’t love going in nearly an hour early and leaving over an hour late for 2 weeks straight.  And I don’t love standing on my feet for the majority of those hours, knees all achy and back all stiff, hands jittery from too much caffeine.  The opportunity costs being exacted lately have bankrupted my soul and I need a break.  Could someone please bring me some dessert?  While I sit in the bathtub?  Oh and do the dishes while you’re at it too please and thank you.


Warm Woolies Item #27 - In Progress

Warm Woolies Item #27 - In Progress


Yesterday was supposed to be Warm Woolies Wednesday, but I was too tired to post and a wee part of me felt terribly embarrassed that I hadn’t even managed to complete a single item since last week.  I haven’t been knitting at all and I am seriously missing it.  It’s just been way too hectic here.  I’m hoping this weekend will change all that, but we’ll see.

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been less than snappy on checking out your blogs and keeping up with what’s new in your worlds lately.  I feel really bad about this because all of you are truly special to me (for reals) and when I can’t keep up to date on what you’re doing and working on, and thinking and feeling, it makes me feel like a bad bloggy friend.  I promise that I haven’t forgotten any of you and do think of you often!  Right now is just a crazy crazy time for me.  When things slow down a little I’ll be back around to comment, but right now I think I just really need a break from the intrawebs.  I’ll still be around Ravelry since I help moderate a group there, and I hope to keep blogging a bit, but unless something changes with work and home life, it maybe be a while until I can catch up with each of you.  I hope you are all doing awesome though and I look forward to chatting with each of you when the seas smooth over a bit here.  Because without all of you, I’d have no reason to keep blogging and no one to share my knitting with!  And for that, and each of you who stops by to visit, I’m always grateful :)  


Have a great weekend Bloggy Peeps!! 

8 thoughts on “Stressed Is Just Desserts Spelled Backwards

  1. I’ll bring you some flourless chocolate cake and a large mocha! I desperately need a break from everyday life so a fun (imaginary) trip to your side of the country would be perfect. I’m sending warm hugs your way!

  2. Hope you’re able to find some rest and relaxation soon. There’s no need to feel guilty or apologize (easier said than done, I know), but we blog/read others blogs in order to connect with like-minded people and to have fun in the process, right? So why do we let it turn into one more thing to feel guilty about if it doesn’t get checked off our To-Do list?

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t worry – we all understand. =)

  3. Hang in there. I thought of you this weekend while kayaking (is that even a word?). It was an awesome weekend with my brothers and their families. Hope you get a breather soon. Take care.

  4. I am feeling you right now. If we were in the same area, we’d do brunch or something, once a week…I know it! Oh, but we are too busy for such things………

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