Friday Fill-In #99 – Oh Noros! It’s A Day Late!

More Noro.  What is up with me lately?

More Noro. What is up with me lately?


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Fill-In #99
(get yours here)

1. The last band I saw live was probably the band accompanying the Elvis impersonator we saw at R. Darling’s conference this past spring.  I know.  We’re boring.  We never go to concerts.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is spending time with family.  Oh and pumpkin pie with huge dollops of whipped cream ;)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is nearly finished!  Mom & I made jam for gifts yesterday.
4. Thoughts of too many things & too little time fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear red lipstick and get away with it.  I’ve been told by a makeup artist that I have the lips for it, but I just don’t have the moxie you need to work it like you should.
6. Bagpipes remind me of summer at the house I grew up in (we had a neighbor a block or two away who used to play in the evenings sometimes).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight (Friday) I’m looking forward to catching up on Pushing Daisies, tomorrow (Saturday) my plans include having lunch with my MIL & talking about what I need to bring to her house for Thanksgiving and Sunday, I want to work on some knitting projects & hunt for my Christmas cards in the “department store” upstairs so I can start getting them addressed!


Have a fantastic weekend Bloggy Peeps!!

8 thoughts on “Friday Fill-In #99 – Oh Noros! It’s A Day Late!

  1. Hello KnittyMuggings! Nice Noro yarn! What do you plan to make with it? Isn’t the blend of colors gorgeous? As you may remember, I’m knitting a Noro Stripped Scarf and I really enjoy admiring its colors ;-) Have a great weekend!

  2. Try red in a semi-gloss lipstick – that’s the only way I’ll wear it. Prescriptives makes some awesome ones that are in a longer skinnier tube and come out as a cross between lipstick and a gloss. LOVE ‘EM.

  3. When I wear lipstick…..I use the Burt’s Bees Lip Shimmer. It’s light and feels like gloss…minty gloss! Lipstick is not my bag…feels weird. Maybe it’s just me that’s weird!

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